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Mikey Love said...

First off that ass in the yellow holy canoli...Secondly , the only reason I signed up to be in that band was so that I could be thehappy-go-lucky-carry-the-band-on-your-back-with-all-the-hard-work-one. Thirdly, the golden haired kid...well he is a heart throb

Nudge said...

We had some some act back then, boy how the time flies. Remember that three month world tour where we made thirty two pesos. We felt so new-editionish

Mantooth said...

I remember listening to your guys stuff...always thought that C-Nut kid shoulda went solo

Nudgie said...

Nah, it was always Angry-G who could carry the crowd with his solos. I remember when we were on tour in Nicaragua in 86 and all the bombs were going off around us. He made the country have a cease fire of peace for a whole twelve minutes with his version of "Mi Mucho es Grande en da Pantalona's"

I know everyone give Hasselhoff credit for singing on top of the Berlin Wall in 89, but for me, Angry-G in Managua will always be my world peace moment.

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